

Sacred smoke created from burning medicinal or sacred plants is an aspect of many cultures and religions the world over. In North America, it is a practice common to Indigenous Peoples and is called smudging. Smudging is traditionally a ceremony for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place. Smudging is also used to clear negative energy from rooms and homes, and physical items.  During a smudge, a prayer can be repeated.  Though it can be personalized to a very specific intention, the prayer is essentially asking for the smoke to clear any negative energies, allowing only loving, harmonious energies to remain.

If you would rather not have the smoke involved with traditional smudging, Smudge Spray is an effective alternative to clear negative energies from yourself and your space.  Crystals and essential oils have powerful cleaning, healing, and uplifting properties.  

How to use Smudge Spray 

  • Close your eyes.
  • Take a few slow, full deep breaths to settle yourself, become grounded.
  • (Optional) Continue taking breaths and imagine pure white or golden light entering through the top of your head, filling and flowing through you. This can help you connect to Spirit, feel settled/grounded, and allow you to set a clear intention.
  • Set your intention
  • Speak your intention/prayer (out loud or silently)
  • Spritz yourself, your stuff, or room to room through your home while you repeat your intention/prayer.

Examples of Smudge Prayers

  • I open this space to divine love.  I cast out any negative energies.  May all energy that flows through here always hold love, compassion, nurturance, and truth.
  • With the cleansing power of this sage, I release all negative energy from this space. May it be filled with light, love, and positive vibrations. Let no harm come to me or those who dwell here. Only love and positive energy are welcome.
  • As I receive this sacred sudge, may my body, mind, and spirit be cleansed and renewed. 
  • I call in the divine abundance of inspiration/productivity/creativity. May the project I feel in my heart come to fruition in a form that benefits my highest good and the highest good of those around me.
  • With the healing power within, I cleanse and purify my body, mind, and spirit. Let this smoke wash away any energetic imbalance or negative energy. May I be restored to health and well-being

See Smudge Sprays for available products and Contact Us to place your order today.

**Is it appropriate to use sacred medicines if I am not indigenous? 

Medicine wheel teaching states that the four nations of man on Mother Earth are all equal and in balance; the creator does not discriminate and celebrates the world’s diversity. As such, the elders teach that culture is meant to be shared and celebrated. However, as a non-native individual, it is your responsibility to be respectful, acknowledge the origin of the culture, and understand its importance. Click here for my full article.