Spring Cleaning for Your Space and Your Soul

Spring Cleaning for your Space & Your Soul

(published in the April/24 Ohana Yoga & Wellness Centre Newsletter)

Burning sacred, medicinal plants is an aspect of many cultures and religions the world over. In North America, it is a practice common to Indigenous Peoples called smudging. 

Smudging is a cleanse and form of prayer to purify mind, body, and spirit, physical spaces and items, and to attract positive energy for you, those around you, animals, and the earth. So beautiful. 

Is it appropriate to use sacred medicines if I am not indigenous? 

Medicine wheel teaching states that the four nations of man on Mother Earth are all equal and in balance; the creator does not discriminate and celebrates the world’s diversity. As such, the elders teach that culture is meant to be shared and celebrated. However, as a non-native individual, it is your responsibility to be respectful, acknowledge the origin of the culture, and understand its importance. 

With smudging becoming so popular in the mainstream, white sage (the most common sacred medicine associated with smudging) risks limitation due to overharvesting. To be respectful, consider growing your own sage, always saying a prayer of thanks when harvesting and always leaving the root to encourage new growth. Or purchase from an indigenous seller whose products are organic, respectfully and sustainably harvested. 

Another culturally conscious way to cleanse is through a smoke cleanse, burning alternatives to sage such as Rosemary, Mugwort, Juniper, Pine, Thyme, Lavender, Spruce, Cedar, Fir, Garden sage, Bay, Rose, Catnip, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Aspen, Lilac, Cinnamon, or Cloves.

How to Smudge

The most important element is to smudge with intention. Perform your smudge respectfully, with a clear goal that is always in pursuit of positivity.

  • Always thank the creator and/or Mother Earth for the sacred medicines to help protect and heal us and for our greatest good
  • Close your eyes. Take a few slow, full deep breaths to settle yourself.     (Optional) Continue taking breaths and imagine pure white or golden light entering through the top of your head, filling and flowing through you. This can help you connect to Source, feel grounded, and allow you to set a clear intention
  • Set your intention. Speak it out loud or silently
  • Spritz yourself, your stuff, or through your home while you repeat your intention

If you prefer to not use smoke, Smudge Spray is an effective alternative. I’ve created a smudge spray Infused with pure essential oils, crystals, and Divine Energy, to purify and protect from negative energies and emotions while elevating clarity, peace, love, and joy. Packaged in cobalt blue glass to protect the oils from oxidation, every bottle is made with much love and blessings for your highest good and the highest good of those around you. I do my best to source the purest, ethically sourced ingredients. And, all Healthy Spirit Fitness smudge sprays and cleaning products are formulated to be safe for humans, animals, and the earth.

For more details on Smudge Sprays, Smudging, and our cleaning products go to healthyspiritifitness.ca  


Deborah Gurash, an expert in Massage Therapy and Reiki, offers a unique, holistic path to healing, relaxation and rejuvenation at Healthy Spirit Fitness. She uses both an intuitive and evidence-based approach to healing, to promote individual wellness and creates personal and cleaning products that honour people, animals, and the earth.

Experience transformative holistic wellness with Deborah; book at www.healthyspiritfitness.ca 

Winner of the 2023 North Bay Gold Award for Best Massage.

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